Violence Against Women

Barnet Solace Advocacy Support Services (SASS) provides practical and emotional support to anyone who resides in the Borough of Barnet and is experiencing domestic abuse, honour based violence and forced marriage.

Barnet SASS offers free and confidential advocacy and advice to those experiencing domestic abuse aged 16+. This includes risk assessment, safety planning and support regarding many issues with the aim to reduce risk. We can also signpost regarding counselling and group work for both adults and children.

Are You Worried About Domestic or Sexual Abuse? (PDF, 69KB)

Solace Women’s Aid Refuge Service provides safe emergency accommodation for 6-9 months for women and children fleeing DA. Children receive emotional/individual support as well as play therapy and women can also benefit from the emotional and individual support. There are also parenting skills support and coffee mornings.

North London Rape Crisis (Solace Women’s Aid) offers:

ISVA – advocacy support for women considering going through the Criminal Justice process in relation to sexual violence.

Casework – practical support for survivors of SV who are not reporting to the police (and not currently experiencing DV)

16 1-to-1 counselling sessions (or 6 for clients who are pre-trial) of trauma-focused counselling across all boroughs with a specialist SV focus.

Group support – group activities such as yoga and creative arts

Helpline – 1 hour per week of free, confidential emotional support.

Referral pathway for all NLRC face-to-face services and provides support and advice to family, friends and professionals.

Rape Crisis Information Leaflet (PDF, 548KB)

Barnet Homes Sanctuary Scheme enables survivors of Domestic Abuse living in Barnet to remain in their own homes and feel safe by installing extra security measures in their homes.

They can apply through Barnet Homes staff, Barnet Council Children’s Service, Health professionals, Independent Domestic Abuse support agencies such as Solace Women’s Aid and Victim Support.

Solace Barnet Sanctuary Scheme (PDF, 847KB)